Saturday, March 31, 2018

Aviation Organizations

1. What associations will it be important to belong to when you are employed and engaged on your career path?  Identify at least two organizations.
Excluding the Airline Pilots Association and Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, I believe it will be important to belong to the Experimental Aircraft Association. Anyone with an interest in Aviation can join. Being a member myself they offer great resources for the beginners’, up to the very experienced and beyond. This organization is not only for pilots, they welcome anyone with an interest in Aviation to join or participate within their organization. From their founding in 1953, the EAA has been the pinnacle for the freedom of flight. ‘They are a community of passionate aviation enthusiasts that promotes and supports recreational flying. Their vision is a vibrant and growing aviation community. Their mission is to grow participation in aviation by promoting the “Spirit of Aviation.”’ (EAA, 2018)
The next organization I would belong to is the National Business Aviation Association. The NBAA was founded for the sole purpose of protecting business aircraft operators. (NBAA, 2018) Back in 1946 the business side of aviation had not been touched by the government and the founders felt that they needed an organization to help protect their rights. With over 10,000-member companies, that employ over 19 million people, its no wonder the NBAA is at the forefront of protecting business aircraft.

2. Research the associations that you identified. Discuss the mission and functions of each association. Also discuss the role of these organizations in the overall industry, including their support for other sectors of the industry.
The EAAs mission is to ‘grow participation in aviation by promoting the “Spirit of Aviation.”’ The EAA not only promotes the most basic, grassroots of flying but also promotes a wide variety of the aviation industry. From the EAA website, this includes serving the community by:
Inspiring new participants in aviation
  • Inviting the public to experience freedom of flight
  • Providing a compelling view of possibilities
  • Nurturing interest in aviation
  • Supporting clear pathways to participation
Enriching the participation experience
  • Protecting rights and the freedom to fly
  • Encouraging affordable flying in a local environment 
  • Cultivating and providing knowledge, information, and resources
  • Embracing diverse interests, camaraderie, and fun
  • Supporting and promoting aviation events and activities

The NBAAs mission statement is “To foster an environment that allows business aviation to thrive in the United States and around the world” (NBAA, 2018). NBAA is not only focused on business aircraft and operations. They also advocate for issues such as aviation safety, operational efficiency, fair and equal access, FAA reform, air support, air traffic control modernization, and much more.

3. Discuss why is it important for you to belong to these associations.
I believe it is important to belong to both these associations and more like them. The Aviation world is large, but everyone knows someone. The EAA and NBAA both embody the world of Aviation to the fullest. Both companies help the industry in separate ways but both organizations promote the meaning of Aviation. With over 135 years of combined Aviation service, it is no wonder these organizations are so successful. Both organizations also provide some great networking opportunities. The EAA has chapters at local airports that could have anyone from the basic GA pilot to the CEO of a major airline. With over 200,000 members, events across the country and with the largest aviation gathering at Oshkosh you are bound to meet a lot of people. The NBAA also holds several events throughout the year along with regional forums and a national conference and exhibit.

4. Describe potential employment opportunities with these organizations.
At both the EAA and NBAA there are full and part time job opportunities as well as internships. Some of the internships that the EAA has are: Marketing Business, Development, Membership Services, Human Resources, Government Advocacy, Information Technology (IT), Communications/PR, Convention Admin, Education Events, Graphic Design, and Photography. The EAA also offers volunteer opportunities either year-round opportunities or for the largest aviation gathering in the world during the Oshkosh air show.
A potential employment opportunity at the NBAA is being a regional representative. This position “provides oversight and implementation of initiatives focused on business aviation advocacy, influencing aviation policy, interacting with the aviation industry and working with members at local, state and regional levels.” (NBAA, 2018)

Who We Are. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018, from
History. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018, from
EAA – Where Your Work Ignites Passion. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018, from
EAA AirVenture Oshkosh | Oshkosh, Wisconsin | Fly-In & Convention. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018, from
NBAA History. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2018, from
Careers With NBAA. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018, from
Events by Date. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2018, from


  1. Nice blog post! Professor Wall was pretty thoughtful when she assigned these questions to us, considering being apart of and active in these organizations will help us progress through the aviation industry. Just by being informed and learning about what these organizations and people are doing on a daily basis will help with getting to know and impress people including captains while flying, and big wig business type folks while in conferences.

  2. Great and in-depth post! Networking is such a large part of this industry!! I enjoyed reading about the EAA and NBAA part and full-time job opportunities, volunteer possibilities, and internships. Have you ever volunteered or applied for any internships through either organization? I for one, am more interested now and I appreciate you laying out the information so well!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Very detailed descriptions of EAA and NBAA. I am also a member of EAA and, as an organization, EAA has been a part of my life for many years. I can say first hand that EAA does great things with the aviation scholarships that they grant, having been a recipient of one last year. Have you been to any of the local EAA chapter fly-ins? There isn't a better way to spent Saturday mornings in the summer.

  4. I came across the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) during my research. I liked them because aviation at the end of the day is a business and as long as these businesses grow so will the industry. Great post.
